Review Process

All manuscripts that have been submitted to The 3rd International Conference on Maritime Technology and Its Application (ICOMTA) will undergo the review process as follow:

  1. INITIAL ELIGIBILITY CHECK: Each submitted manuscript will be screened for its substantial contribution and potential benefits to the scope of field towards future dental improvement.
  2. SIMILARITY CHECK: Manuscripts will be checked for similarity using the Turnitin plagiarism-checking tool to check the similarity level. Every manuscript with a similarity level above 30 % will be returned to the author for initial revision.
  3. SCOPE-DESK EVALUATION: Each manuscript that passes the similarity test will be undergo scope-desk evaluation by the Editorial board in order to confirm the relevancy of its substance with conference scope. Fail to fulfil the scope-desk evaluation screening will be removed from the list of Scopus-index proceeding candidate.
  4. PEER-REVIEW PROCESS: For each confirmed manuscript within the conference scope will be further reviewed at least by 2 indicated peer-reviewers that having close related expertise and assigned by the Editorial Board accordingly (in double-blinded review process).

The peer-review process aims to evaluate the quality of each manuscript based on its originality, research interesting or unique background, quality of its methodologies (including the way in showing historical perspective from the existing knowledges), results, discussions, and excellent descriptions and explanations. The Scientific committee member will allocate three weeks for the review process by reviewers. Subsequently, the Editorial Board will do the final check and formulate the decision for each manuscript. The Committee will also be giving a recommendation whether the manuscript will be accepted, returned to the author for further revision (could be undergoing major or minor revision), or even being rejected. If a manuscript has several minor or major revisions, the corresponding author will be notified to revise the manuscript within the given period of time. It would be around two weeks in maximum for revision period that will be provided to the corresponding author prior manuscript resubmission.

  1. REJECTION: A manuscript will be directly removed from the Scopus-indexed proceeding candidate list when the article has significant rejections from both peer-reviewers. The article will also be removed from the Scopus-indexed proceeding candidate list if:
    • Its revision does not fully accommodate the review comments appropriately.
    • If the revision is failed to be submitted through the online system on the provided timeline.
    • If the manuscript only contains 1-page article or abstract-only article
  2. ACCEPTANCE: A manuscript will get the possibility of acceptance decision if it has been accepted by the at least one reviewer without no major against-judgement from another reviewer, or it has completed the correspondence of review-revision process.
  3. FINAL PROOF PROCESS: On the final stage of review process, the Publishing Committee (PC) will be further assigned to proofread and re-evaluate each manuscript for its compliance with the Scopus-index publisher formatting style, plagiarism, and the required documents prior to publication process.

When Preparing your manuscript, please comply by the following requests:

  • Download your template package for Word office.
  • All pages are requested to be in portrait.
  • Font size (following on the template)
  • Font type Times New Roman
  • Paper size is 8.5 x 11.
  • Do not alter the margins of our templates.
  • Do not add page numbers or headers/footers.
  • The paper must include the author name and full affiliation address including country.
  • Use clear, legible graphics and diagrams contained within the margins.
  • Do not use copyrighted material without permission and proper crediting.
  • References are prepared using our sample reference guidelines (available in the template package). References can only be linked if they are complete.
  • Embed all fonts into your manuscript PDF

Documents below are compulsory to be sent to

  • A final PDF file of your paper with fonts embedded.
  • A signed License to Publish Agreement.
  • If you use copyrighted materials in your paper, please provide copies of permission to re-use them.