Editorial Team

Editor in Chief

Dr. Rikat Eka Prastyawan, S.Pd., M.Pd.,(Scopus ID = xxxxxxxxx) Surabaya State Polytechnic of Shipbuilding, Indonesia.
Editor Profile:
Sinta, Scopus, Google Scholar, ORCID

Editorial Board

  1. Dr. Anda Iviana Juniani, ST., MT. (Scopus ID = 57204057433), Surabaya State Polytechnic of Shipbuilding, Indonesia.
    Editor Profile:
    Sinta, Scopus, Google Scholar.
  2. Anggara Trisna Nugraha, ST. MT.(Scopus ID = 57220021331), Surabaya State Polytechnic of Shipbuilding, Indonesia.
    Profil :
    Sinta, Scopus, Google Scholar, ORCID.
  3. Tarikh Azis Ramadani, S.T., M.T. (Scopus ID = 57209969251), Surabaya State Polytechnic of Shipbuilding, Indonesia.
    Editor Profile:
    Sinta, ScopusORCIDGoogle Scholar
  4. Dika Rahayu Widiana, Ph.D,(Scopus ID = 57196477902) Surabaya State Polytechnic of Shipbuilding, Indonesia.
    Editor Profile:
    Sinta, ScopusORCIDGoogle Scholar
  5. Eky Novianarenti, (Scopus ID = 56012923400), Surabaya State Polytechnic of Shipbuilding, Indonesia.
    Editor Profile:
    Sinta, Google Scholar, ORCID
  6. Imaniah Sriwijayasih, SST., MT, Surabaya State Polytechnic of Shipbuilding, Indonesia.
    Editor Profile:
    SintaGoogle Scholar
  7. Alma Vita Sophia, S.T., M.T., Surabaya State Polytechnic of Shipbuilding, Indonesia.
    Editor Profile:
    SintaORCID, Google Scholar